• Artwork

    Explore the themes of my art practice

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    Ponder the Hoodie

    The Hoody series challenges how contemporary values and perceptions are communicated through non-verbal expression. This simple piece of clothing worn by millions has become a confusing and provocative symbol.


    A wardrobe staple for many across society, a garment used for warmth and comfort, has also come to colour peoples’ perceptions about the individual or associated group and a lightning rod for anger and moral outrage.

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    Project Reclaim

    The Project Reclaim: Organic Sculpture series is made from antique fabrics and organic materials to simultaneously create a new sculptural aesthetic form while honouring a traditional women’s craft.

    The pieces utilise the natural shape of fallen tree branches, with their sensuous curves, contrasted with the human crafted form through reworked antique crocheted pieces.

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    Make Light Not War

    The Make Light Not War project creates pieces that challenge the perpetuating myths surrounding the scaling up and acceptance of renewable energy as a viable alternative to fossil fuel derived energy.

    Given the clear science on climate change we need to connect people to the potential and optimism that this renewable technology provides.







    Art, through all its various creative expressions,

    can act as a powerful facilitator for social change.


  • How the intersection of science and creativity reveals life’s ultimate advantage

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  • Check out the latest media updates

  • Video Project Selection


    Project Reclaim

    St Kilda Gallery,

    Solo exhibition

    Ponder the Hoodie

    St Kilda Gallery ,

    Solo Exhibition

  • Connect

    My studio and practice is located in Melbourne, Australia. If you're interested in making contact please get in touch.

    Thanks for your interest.